Turn the air-con off and sell ice-cream

That's how Deutsche Bahn is making up for lost profits due to train breakdowns.

For Germany any temperature above 35 degrees is stinking hot. Very few buildings have air-conditioning and those who've spent a lifetime eating wurst and drinking beer are sweating profusely. Raining sweat.

MBS-WHU Rowing 3rd July 2010

So as the water puddles finally dissipate downstream on the Neckar, from what was an excellent regatta on Saturday, I write to thank all those who took part, who helped make the day happen and for WHU's great healthy competition and support each year.

In it's 5th year, a rowing race has been held between the Full Time MBA programs of the Mannheim Business School and the Otto Bleisheim School of Management at WHU (Wissenschaftliche Hochschule für Unternehmensführung Vallendar, near Koblenz).

It all started some months ago