It's not you, it's me. I'm leaving you. Berlin. Temporarily.

I thought i'd jot down some the places i've been and generally like in Berlin. I got here in October last year and although working like a maniac for a start-up, I did get out and about a little bit. Berlin is one of those places were there are a million great things to do. I'm not as adventurous as some but definitely enjoyed finding a few gems in the city. I thank all my friends here for showing me a good time. Sadly I have to move to Frankfurt but I know i'll be back!

Check it out below :::::::::::::::

University of Art, Berlin

Last week the students of the University of Arts, Berlin exhibited their works.

I was there specifically to see the work of a friend Andrea Boller. She is a Brazilian who received a scholarship to study here. Her work initially focused on lines, hence the wire work. More recently she has focused on surfaces, hence the mesh work. Pretty interesting and at least quite unique at this exhibition.

We only saw a part of the exhibition but in this album are some highlights:

Croatia July 2011

Just back from Croatia and settling back into a dreary Berlin evening. Photos have been uploaded:

The trip definitely deserves a few blog notes but will have to wait a day or two! Guten Abend,