Hoop Hoop - Lucerne Marathon 2011

Lucerne put on a magnificent show today at the 2011 Lucerne Marathon today. With the lake as the backdrop and a clinically organised event, in typical swiss style, was hosted.

9,000 runners converged on the city with just as many, if not more, supporters to cheer the runners on.

The reason for Lucerne was due to the suggestion of Fausto meet up together with his Zurich based friends and run a half-marathon. I had run two halfs during the year and took this event as my end of summer season goal.

The Eros Club Wrap Up

The Eros Club met at the Eros Statue at Piccadilly Circus on the 1st of October for the 76th meeting last Saturday. On a bright, hot and splendid London day some 40 South Australians met following a tradition started by two friends, Gavin Walkley and Bob Simpson, in 1935.

For the group that made it on time (unlike myself), a group photo is taken to commemorate each short meeting at the statue. This year, after the photo the group retired to the Walkabout at Tempel. This appropriate venue, an Australian styled drinking venue, had earlier that morning hosted the AFL grand final and still had the sweaty smell of beer reeking from just wiped floor boards. In the back room the group enjoyed some finger food and beers. It was a chance to then meet fellow South Australians and share whatever stories they wanted to share. Personally, I really enjoyed meeting a number of friends from School and St Mark's, some of whom I hadn't seen in many years. Similarly enjoyable was to meet a number of totally new people, some who were visiting, some who were on a short work trip and some who'd been in London for 20 years. This is exactly what it is about....

The Agent General of South Australia who represents SA on a number of diplomatic and trade relations is the host to the event. This year he wasn't able to attend but the assistant Agent General and their team put on a great show for all the guests. I was able to share a few words about Gavin and what I knew of the Club and was delighted to hear a number were regulars and had met Gavin or Bob many years prior either in London or at the parallel event held in Adelaide.

These type of events are considered somewhat quirky in nature but symbolise the opportunity to create a tradition and feel of community in a somewhat fragmented world. The chances are you are likely to go only once in your life but that's all you need to then be entitled to the title of "Erotic". So let the fun go on...

Thanks again to the organisers both in London and those back in Adelaide who organised the dinner.

Thoughts from Adelaide

After a request from a work colleague who wanted some tips when in Adelaide in a few weeks and a general feeling of homesickness catching up with Adelaideans at the Eros Club on the weekend, I write this blog to put together some special places that remind of Adelaide and I will try to visit as a priority on my next trip home...read on...