Critical Leadership skills for sustained success

What do you consider to be the critical strategic leadership skills that enable organisations to realise sustained success?

In this assignment I will attempt to outline what I consider to be the critical strategic leadership skills using what notable people have written and also what I see from my own perspectives as both an experienced follower and an inexperienced leader (although I really do enjoy trying to be, and think I am learning to become, a (good) leader).

Win Win Situation

- Report on our Social Project.

Strategieworkshop der Mannheim Business School mit der Plan-AG Mannheim

Wer an der Mannheim Business School (MBS) ein Master-Studium absolviert, hat unter anderem ein „Social Project“ im Curriculum stehen. Und so nahm ein Viererteam im Herbst 2009 Kontakt mit Angela Müller von der Plan-Aktionsgruppe Mannheim auf. Der Deal: Ein gemeinsames Projekt, bei dem die Aktionsgruppe von den angehenden Führungskräften des International Business professionell gecoacht wird. Die Studierenden betrachten  Erfahrungen, Wünsche und Potential der Aktionsgruppe und beweisen ihr Knowhow. Nach einigen Treffen stellten Kristina Weith/Deutschland, José Puche/Kolumbien, Salma Wang/China und Adrian Oest/Australien ihr  Konzept vor: Einen eintägigen Strategieworkshop für die Aktionsgruppe.

Private Information

With Facebook under huge pressure from consumers and governments alike the thought of protecting private web based information is almost oxymoronic. As we continue to move at light speed further into the internet age we release more and more information to the optic fibres and routers, in 1's and 0's across the globe. The web is as close to a public medium as it gets.

I write here to somewhat stand on the side of Facebook and Google, although I too feel vulnerable to personal information theft. As a fan of social media and an active social media user I am well aware of the risks. I have become more comfortable with this risk simply because I think it would be naive to think that my personal information could not be dragged up from a server other than Facebook's.