In rowing, TIMING really is an allusive factor the defines our crew's stroke. Out of time and the boat isn't efficient, in time and the boat moves seemingly effortlessly.
I've often talked to my crews trying to make them understand if you follow someone you will be late. You actually need to anticipate what is going on; then make it happen together. If you can't do that, you can't row! At least won't be able to row in a crew boat.
I found this podcast randomly. It is a really interesting of James Brown, the famous musician. If you haven't listened to his music then this podcast will inspire you.
In his podcast MTT queries James Brown on timing and how he gets his band to work in absolute time. NOW. NOW. NOW. With silence in between is perfect timing if the entire band can do it. James Brown speaks of timing in a variety of ways:
- The power of knowledge being "because I know when, and you don't"
- Art of feeling when and where
- Keep it mellow, hey hey...I feel alright...ah ah...we'll go together
I highly recommend it if you want a different perspective on timing in rowing.
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