I heard the saying tonight:


"Fear Of Missing Out"

I've just recently written a friend a note talking about this issue but until now I have not heard it so well put!

Addie suggested the NO card to try to help my obsession of trying to do everything offered to me. It helped to some degree but I still spread myself too thinly at Uni and back in Adelaide! I now know i'm not alone and other suffer the symptoms of FOMO!

FOMO is probably similar to greediness...we want everything possible. It also comes back to the world we live in where we have access to so much information so we always live in the knowledge that somewhere, someone is doing something that we too would want to do. We have so many opportunities before us. Sadly it can seem as though whatever we have now is not good enough. I can only resolve to be aware of this from now on...and try to take up as many quality (not quantity) opportunities that arise.

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