MBS Stammtisch - It's happening!

You are invited to the Mannheim Business School Stammtisch evening:

The Inaugural MBS Stammtisch - 5th March 2010 @ 18:30 at Novus (M4,1)

Stay for one drink, or many. Stay to meet one person or many. We invite you nonetheless to take the opportunity to meet new people, explore other cultures, meet other students from the Full Time MBA, the EMBA, the EMAT across all year levels.

After many meetings and feedback from you all (see attached for a summary), we would like to kick off a monthly networking event for students, alumni and friends of the Mannheim Business School.

Noting that not everyone is in Mannheim each week or each month, we will endeavour to hold this event one Friday evening each month in order to provide as many opportunities as possible to meet when you are in Mannheim. Even with a high work load, or another case study to finish we are hoping to encourage everyone to drop by for a quick drink or something to eat. It will take some to build but we hope that if each person brings at least one person it will be a very interesting and enjoyable evening for all.

Please circulate this to everyone in your respective classes and any other person related to the Business School interested in meeting for a drink on Friday evening. Posting on iConn and all other platforms you have access to would be great.

This is an initiative developed by the students of the Full Time MBA 2010, together with the input from all class representatives, alumni and program management.

For any further information, please contact me - Adrian Oest - (0151 268 3 2288  -  or on email: ajoest@gmail.com)

Looking forward to meeting you all at the next Stammtisch.

(on behalf of the Full Time MBA - 2010)

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