Fat Club - Amazing Race - Berlin

On a fine and sunny Berlin day in August, the Fat Club Amazing Race Berlin was held. Thanks to everyone who could make it to this Fat Club event, the high performance lifestyle program equal to none.

Seven magnificent and eager teams waited impatiently for the challenges to be revealed in the Monbijoupark in Berlin. The weather gods were very kind to us. So too was Berlin who provided the fun for this event.

This Report (required for the Managing Committee based in Australia) includes the following:
- Team Photos
- Questions + Answers
- Contributions from the Teams  (Go to the Summary of Photos here: TEAM CONTRIBUTIONS)

Team Photos:

Team 1: Master of Bad Activities (MBA)
Jan, Karen, Kunal and Claudia

Team 2: Front Line
Sojo, Rich, Ana, Iryna 

Team 3: Die Froesche / The Frogs
Diana, Oliver, Hannah, Oliver

Of note - Team 3: were suitably dressed in all Green, my team colour for the Fat Club Sports Day held in 2006.

Team 4: Chou Team
Lisa, Rich, Madeleine, Alma

Team 5: Mu Tang Clan
Mu Tang, Pinar, Jeremy, Renee

Team 6: Italy + Brazil
Ele, Paola, Andrea, Felipe

Team 7: Team German
Anne, Torsten, Florian, Petronela

Challenge 1)
It’s the pride of Berlin’s Tourist trade,
an Island full of treasures and jade.
Of the seven, one is more a mall,
count it’s columns to reach your goal.

Answer: The Kolonnaden, Museum Insel, 224 (Link to Wiki)

Challenge 2)
Love is blind and often rare,
declare to the world if you dare.

On the wall, on a door,
in a shop or on the floor.

Declare it big and declare it proud,
Draw it in chalk or shout it out loud.

Some contributions: 

Challenge 3)
“Doe, a deer, a female deer
Ray, a drop of golden sun
Me, a name I call myself
Far, a long, long way to run
Sew, a needle pulling thread
La, a note to follow Sew
Tea, a drink with jam and bread”

Full points go to the team,
who shout the words with an almost scream,
serenade the public until they gleam.

Contributions: (Videos to come....Hurry up Oliver and send me yours!!)

Challenge 4)
I live Am Kupfergraben 6, opposite the Pergamon but am rarely there. I was a physicist and I’m pretty powerful but the PIGS are getting me down. Who am I?

The answer is Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany.

Challenge 5)
With sauce and with meat,
and am a favourite Berlin eat.

A picture cutting and preparing me,
will fill the judges with great glee.

If you buy me,
Eat me,
But the bonus points only stands,
If you eat it without your hands.


Challenge 6)

I’m surrounded by the Elbe, Rhine, Vistula and Oder;
And overshadowed by something 268m taller.

Four women around me form a guard,
Held up by hippochamps in charge.

I’m in the middle of square,
With water splashing around
with plenty to spare,
Guess which Roman God I am,
if you dare….

The Answer is Neptune. The Neptunbrunnen is in front of the TV Tower at Alexanderplatz.

Challenge 7)
Mushi Mushi to say hello in Japanese
Can I make a photo with you please?


Challenge 8)

I ride a chariot fast and proud,
everyday I attract a huge crowd.

Napolean took me to Paris,
But Berlin gate is my home.

Who am I?

Teams of three or four,
There are extra points for you galore.

Should you wish to chariot,
Take a photo of your act.

Answer: The chariot on top of the Brandenburg Gate is called the Quadriga. The Goddess of Victory, Victoria stands above facing the French Embassy, ironically, because Napolean stole the Quadriga and placed it in the Louvre for some time.


Challenge 9)
From east to west,
By train can you go.
I was once on the border
But they could stop you and say no.

I’m not biggest of sizes,
Count the number of “Gleis’s”

The Answer is: 8 across the top, 2 for the underground and 2 for the trams.

Challenge 10)
I was a writer,
“The Importance of Being Ernest.”

I’m represented Friedrichstrasse in beer and song,
With a distinct focus of Irish Tongue.

This year I celebrate an important milestone
Teams get points if they present the date in the right tone.

How old am I?

Answer: The Oscar Wilde Pub is celebrating its 20th Birthday this year.

Challenge 11)
I’m a powerful memory of the war,
Here there are many blocks galore.

Count the number shorter than you,
If the prizes mean something to you.

Answer: There are roughly 2,700 blocks. I counted (by counting the rows in both directions) all the ones taller than me ~ 1,500. Hence the number is about 1,200.

Challenge 12)
Dussman is full of books and music,
Finding this book could do the trick.

Erotische Comics, Das Beste aus Zwei Jahrhuntern. Tim Pilcher.

On Page 106 – Tell me what the lady at the bottom says….

The Answer is "Master" - To buy the book goto: Amazon

Other photos to come.

Final Word: Thanks again for a fun day. It was a brilliant way to celebrate an awesome time in Berlin.

Fat Club, The High Performance Lifestyle Program. 
We don't Judge.

The Terms: "Fat Club", "High Performance Lifestyle Program", "We Don't Judge" are all trademark pending.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Legendary stuff oesty. Full approval from this member down under. Also extreme jealousy of not being able to be there for it!