Term 1, Part 1 = Tick

So it's been a while since I've written something and I apologise to all those who I have promised to write to and haven't yet. All in good time! I guess it's because i've been a good-boy and put studies before play (or so I keep telling myself!).

Last week was the end of the first part of term one. The week before everyone submitted their Decision Analysis assignments and last week we sat two exams; Financial Accounting and Macro Economics for open economies. It was a huge relief and reminded me of the day when I completed my Engineering only a couple of years ago. The exams went well having prepared well for what we were asked on. I am actually looking forward to the next exams in December for some strange reason! Maybe i'll review that excitement when I get the marks back for these first two exams!

Being eight weeks into the program it was great to get some time to reflect over the weekend on our time so far. After exams a group of five of us hired a car and drove to Berlin for the weekend. Another blog will follow...Upon 1400kms of driving time I had time to contemplate the last couple of weeks. It will be a fast ride to September next year when we hand in our last assignments and graduate!

I have had so many thoughts about:
Personal future goals and ambitions
People in the class and the amazing cultures
Social events and Mannheim/Germans

But you'll have to ask me about them directly! Not because I don't want to publish it but more because I need to get on with some other things tonight! The to-do list is always huge after a holiday - but i'm not complaining!!

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