Mannheim One School Stammtisch Proposal

“One School” Update:
8th February 2010

A number of us from the Mannheim Business School met on Friday at Novus to further discussions and keep this project moving. Included were program management, representatives from the EMAT and Fulltime MBA as well as Alumni from the EMBA.

Firstly, thanks to those who came along. It was a most enjoyable evening meeting you all and to get feedback and develop ideas on how to go forward bringing the school together.

Key discussion points and resolutions were:

-    Why?
Reiterating my initial proposal, we discussed the same motivations exist amongst all the programs. That is, we see great value in providing a forum for meeting up on a regular basis to discuss ideas, to network and to simply meet new people. With so many people from so many backgrounds each person has something to offer both on a professional basis and general basis.

-    Who?
It was felt by the group that everyone associated with MBS should be invited. That includes: students, program administration, alumni and even professors. Again, in a social setting developing these contacts and relationships is a real value-add to the MBS experience.

-    It was discussed that in the future perhaps asking interesting people (not necessarily business people) to speak or simply being available to chat would be another motivation for this event.

-    MBS Stammtisch
This type of networking is very common among other business schools and also in business and community (Think: Rotary International). Furthermore, as far as I understand, networking is not so influential in German culture. Being a young school and a key player in international business education we need to promote these international business activities but still combine it with German culture. The suggestion was to call this event the “MBS Stammtisch”. This reflects some German traditions but also creates a networking event similar to other business schools.

-    Time Pressure
It has been clear from the start that the key barrier is that we are all under time pressure. For those who travel to Mannheim for modular or weekend courses, this is even more so an issue. Acknowledging that we will never find a time that will suit everyone it was discussed that the best solution is to create a regular event to provide as many opportunities as possible for overlap.

-    Day
It was suggested that a monthly Friday evening would be the best option. Friday is after the weekly Friday exam for the Full-time MBA’s and but falls during the program for the EMBA and tax groups. It nonetheless is the only common night when people are in Mannheim. Some may take this opportunity to take a short break from the case studies and meet some MBS colleagues. Others may choose to stay at the desk. Whatever the case, the opportunity remains to meet others.

-    Informal / Formal
It was felt that initially these evenings should start as an informal gathering. The reason for not trying to launch into organising speakers and making things formal was simply due to the organisation and also not knowing how popular this would be. It would be embarrassing to organise an interesting speaker only to have no one turn up! It was felt that an informal structure would make it easier to organise and be comfortable for those who wish to attend.
-    Venue
The first events would be organised at a location, near the Schloss (the group thought Novus would be good) where we could have a relatively quiet stand-up bar environment. It should be conducive to networking and meeting new people.

-    Future organisation and structure
Recognising the transient nature of the programs, we discussed the requirement of a continuum mechanism to carry the organisation and concept of this event across each year group. While this is something the Program Management can do, the strength of such events is due to the student group upward enthusiasm. In fact, the ownership should remain with the student committees of each program, with strong support from Program Management. Therefore, we propose that the Stammtisch be an Agenda item for all student representative and program management meetings. Where support is required, program management would step in to help student representatives keep the event up and running.

-    Other activities
I know the FT-MBA gets invited to sporting events and other events which also allow other business school student and alumni entrants. Sharing this across the communication platforms will simply open up communication and share opportunities whenever they apprear.

-    Current Platforms
There are a variety of platforms that all programs have access to. The internal platform is the internal iConn and also the external facing site ( which also broadcasts to Twitter I believe. Furthermore, MBS has a strong Facebook, XING and LinkedIN presence for current students and Alumni. MBS also sends hard copies of the newsletters and the annual report.

-    Stammtisch Platform
Initially the current platforms can be used to distribute the invitations and communicate the events for the evenings. Together with all student representatives helping to spread the word and bring people, this will suffice. I would suggest in due course that MBS together with the student groups attempt to consolidate the communication platforms into one common point. That common point might then be able to distribute the information out to the various platforms but will save updating and administrating so many platforms. Other information such as shared sporting events can also be shared on this platform. In effect, the Stammtisch is a portal for all inter-program communication.

-    Verbal
As mentioned, communication amongst the student representatives will allow contact through to the students of the respective programs. Similarly, one student representative may take the initiative and go to each class personally and spread the word of the concept and also a reminder on the Friday of the event. Each year, someone can be delegated.

Perhaps there is an opportunity for a round table discussion to occur once a year between all the Stammtisch parties to discuss the events for the year and delegate out tasks.

Starting Point:
So with all that, I propose we simply get it going. The initial evening could be the 5th of March starting at 6pm. I would suggest we try Novus. This gives three weeks to communicate the event across the TT, WE-EMBA and  the FT-MBA with an active campaign across all platforms, email and word of mouth. The next event would be in April, keeping in mind we have to avoid Easter and ensuring we include as many groups as possible.

•MBS Stammtisch – Bringing Mannheimers together•

Adrian Oest
8th April 2010

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