Berlin Arrival

So i'm in Berlin. Thanks to Sarah, my old quasi-landlord in Mannheim, I am staying in a place at the top of Schoenhause Allee. Sarah was in Berlin while I was in her room in Mannheim. It's a wg- (wohngemeinschaft - or share apartment) with all the essentials. I'll stay here until the 9th and in the meantime will look for a place here. Once I have a place - i'd love you to visit...

After dropping off the car I rode my bike back up through Berlin-Mitte and Prenzlauer Berg. Even on a Sunday evening there are plenty of vegetable shops open, restaurants, bars and considering the weather was quite agreeable today, there were lots of people out.

The energy in Berlin is everywhere. It's powerful...and I hope it rubs off on me as I immerse over the coming months!


David Colebatch said...

Sweet move :)

I'll be there to visit!

Unknown said...

Oesty - see you in Berlin in the new year...Phil